GSG1030, Contemporary Geology, PART 2: Answer Sheet for Tsunami Prediction

Name:_______________________ ________________2.1 Starting Time:__________________
  Seismic Station #1
Port of Spain, TR
Seismic Station #2
Mayaguez, PR
Seismic Station #3
Kingston, JA
Arrival time of P-wave (GMT)  13:05:31  13:06:55  13:08:55
  (off scale)    
Distance to epicenter 
Travel time, P-wave
     (off graph)
Richter Magnitude
 No can do.    
2.2 Time of earthquake
T(0), GMT
     No can do.

2.3 T(0) times agree: __________________   2.4 Magnitude warrant concern for a tsunami:__________________

2.5 Time it takes (in minutes) for the tsunami to reach the Virgin Islands:__________________

2.6 Arrival time at the Virgin Islands:__________________    2.7 Distance, source to Virgin Islands:__________________

2.8 Average velocity of the tsunami (in kilometers/minute):__________________  (in kilometers/hour):__________________

2.9 Source of the earthquake:__________________       2.10 Potential source for a tsunami:__________________

2.11 Record the current time.  Finish Time:__________________

2.12 Finish Time - Starting Time: __________________       2.13 13:30:00 GMT + (answer to 2.12):__________________

2.14 Compare this hypothetical time with the hypothetical anticipated arrive time of the tsunami.

2.15 Time left to evacuate the coastal areas:__________________