Language Organizations in the U.S.

1. ACTFL : American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

2. AATSP : American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese

3. AATF: American Association of Teachers of French

4. SCOLT: Southern Conference on Language Teaching

5. FLANC: Foreign Language Association of NC

6. FLAVA: Foreign Language Association of Virginia

7. FLAG: Foreign Language Association of Georgia

8. NNELL: National Network for Early Language Learning

9. NABE: National Association for Bilingual Education

10. GWATFL: Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages

11. JNCL-NCLIS: Joint National Committee for Languages

12. SEALLT: Southeastern Association for Language Learning Technology

13. CALICO: Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium

14. Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Associated with AATSP)

15. SWCOLT: Southwest Conference on Language Teaching