Dr. Andrew Heckert
Dr. Andrew B. Heckert
Associate Professor
Department of Geology
Rankin Science West 041
McKinney Geology Teaching Museum The McKinney Geology Teaching Museum

Indoor Exhibits

Exhibits include ~1200 sq ft of space within the museum, specimens in cases in the atrium, and additional display cases downstairs in Rankin Science West.

GEMS - Geology, Economics, Mining, and Society - is the newest exhibit we are developing - an initiative funded by Vulcan Materials Corporation to explore modern society's reliance on earth materials.

The Geology Rock Wall The Geology Rock Wall
The rock wall includes 107 rock specimens documenting the geologic history of the Appalachian region, including examples of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks as well as diverse geologic structures.
The specimens are framed by "Elk Stone," part of the Cranberry Gneiss - one of the oldest rocks in North Carolina. The wall is on the ground floor of Rankin Science West, just outside the main office of the Department of Geology.

Outdoor Exhibits

The Fred Webb, Jr. Outdoor Geology Laboratory

The Rock Garden

The Fred Webb, Jr. Outdoor Geology Laboratory consists of 36 rocks from various provinces and ranging in rock type, size and age. It serves not only as a laboratory exercise for students but also as an asthetic addition to the campus for every day passerbys and visitors.