NPD Personality Styles:  
This personality type seeks to make up for past losses or injuries, filling their emptiness with false notions of grandiosity and superiority.  These persons are very apt to brag and boast of their accomplishments, even the least little one.
Features of the
Compensatory Narcissistic Personality1
Seeks to counteract or cancel out deep feelings of inferiority and lack of self-esteem
Offsets deficits by creating illusions of being superior, exceptional,  admirable, noteworthy
Self-worth results from self-enhancement

Millon observes that, for the compensatory narcissist, “Life is a search for pseudostatus, an empty series of aspirations that serves no purpose other than self-enhancement. . . .  Instead of living their own lives, they pursue the leading role  and achievements in a false and imaginary theater not related much to reality.  Should these pursuits totally lose their grounding in reality, becoming increasingly an imaginary world peopled with self and others as in a dream, compensatory narcissistic persons begin to deceive themselves in a manner not unlike that shown by paranoid persons.  However, whereas compensatory narcissistic persons strive for prestige in a world composed of real people, paranoid persons act out their aspirations in solitude. . . .  Because of the insecure foundations on which their narcissistic displays are grounded, compensatory narcissistic persons are ‘hypervigilant.’”2

These persons have a deep sense of inadequacy at their core which they seek to hide by a display of (actually feigned) arrogance.

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1Millon & Davis, 2000, p. 278
2Millon, 1998, p. 95