NPD Personality Styles:  Fanatic
Millon describes this version of NPD as “basically a structurally defective paranoid personality with prototypal narcissistic features that are deeply interwoven.”1  These individuals may suffer losses and setbacks and believe that they have been treated unfairly by a world that does not recognize their true worth and brilliance.  According to Millon, “fanatic narcissistic individuals must not only counter the indifference, the humiliation, and the fright of insignificance generated by reality but also reestablish their lost pride through extravagant claims and fantasies. . . .  Fanatic narcissistic persons go to great lengths to convince themselves and others of the validity of their claims [to greatness], insisting against obvious contradictions and the ridicule of others that they deserve and are entitled to special acknowledgment and privileges.”2   Sadly, these claims to grandeur, importance, and power are easily seen for what they are by others; thus, the fanatic narcissist only further alienates him or herself by trying so hard to be taken seriously and believed.

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1Millon, 1998, p. 98
2Millon, 1998, pp. 98-99