Other Street Trades

Marie Costa, basket seller, in a Cincinnati market. 10 A.M. Saturday. Cincinnati, OH. , 08/22/1908
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-42


"Radishes! Penny a bunch!" Boys and girls sell all day until 11 P.M. Cincinnati, OH , 08/22/1908
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-45

Greel's Shoe-Shining Parlor. Said he was 15 years old. Works some nights until 11 P.M. Indianapolis, Ind.  , 08/1908
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-50

A candy seller dressed for his business. Boston, Mass. , 10/1909
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-941

After 9 P.M., 7 year old Tommie Nooman demonstrating the advantages of the Ideal Necktie Form
in store window on Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. His father said, "He is the youngest demonstrator in America.
Has been doing it for several years from San Francisco, to New York. We stay a month or six weeks in a place,
he works at it off and on." The remarks of appreciation from the by-standers were not having the best effect on Tommie.
Washington, D.C. , 04/13/1911
 NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2375

Joseph Severio, peanut vender, 11 years of age. Been pushing cart 2 years. Out after midnight on May 21, 1910.
Ordinarily works 6 hours per day. Works of own volution. Don't smoke, all earnings go to father. Wilmington, Del. , 05/1910
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-1501

Gum venders selling near the National Theatre. Eli Marks, 8 years old, makes 25 [cents] a night.
Harvey, 11 years old, makes 50 [cents] a night. "When they see us they chase us home at 8:30, but when we see they coming,
we slid the boxes in our pockets, until the cop gets past." Washington, D.C. , 04/11/1912
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2903

At center market. 11 year old celery vender. He sold until 11 P.M. and was out again Sunday morning selling papers and gum.
Has been in this country only half a year. Washington D.C. , 04/13/1912
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2928

Boy carrying hats. New York City. , 02/08/1912
 NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-2857


Boys picking over garbage on "the dumps." Boston, Mass., 10/1909
NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-899


Boys of the dumps. South Boston. Fields now being filled in for a play ground. Boston, Mass., 10/1909
 NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-102-LH-947

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