Ramey Research Group

Undergraduate research within the Ramey research lab initially begins with a student learning several advanced synthetic organic techniques while working with Dr. Ramey and senior members of the group on current projects. Following this introductory period, a student is assigned a significant independent research role to champion the synthesis of specific target molecules that are needed for our long range goals. Students are strongly encouraged to sign up for academic credit for their research efforts. As the research project matures, students are given the opportunity to disseminate their results in poster and oral formats at both on and off campus meetings.

Students interested in working in the Ramey Research Group and that have minimally completed Organic Chemistry I are encouraged to contact Dr. Ramey to discuss research opportunities. Click on Research Interests on Dr. Ramey's homepage for a general overview of some current research projects.

2015 NCUR Synthesis Scheme

Current Research Students
Danielle Russell

Danielle has been working in the Ramey research group since the 2013 spring semester at Appalachian State University. Currently, Danielle is an honors student majoring in Pre-medical/Pre-professional Chemistry with a minor in Biology. Danielle has been working on the synthesis of novel hexaphenylbenzenes for scent release applications which will culminate in her Senior Research Thesis in May 2015. We anticipate presenting her research at the upcoming SERMACS and NCUR meetings.


Jessica Swade

Jessica has been working in the Ramey research group since the 2014 spring semester at Appalachian State University. She is pursuing a B.S. in our Forensic Chemistry Track along with a minor in Criminal Justice. After a semester of learning the "research lab ropes", Jessica will be taking over more synthesis, purification, and analysis responsibilities this fall.

Previous Research Students (current affiliation)

Alexandra Cella (2012-2013) : BS Chemistry from Appalachian State University

Charity "Cherie" Epley (2008 - 2011): Graduate Student at Virginia Tech, Department of Chemistry

Kristyn Jackson (2007 - 2008): Biochemical Technician at Tyson Industries

Amanda Sylvester (2005 - 2008): MS Science Education, University of Florida;Faculty Sante Fe College

Bradley Miller (2004-2006): Graduate Student at University of Tennessee, Department of Chemistry

Adam Ashe (2004): Metals Chemistry, DuPont, Research Triangle Park, NC

Bradley Carson (2003-2004): PhD in Chemistry from Georgia Tech;Post Doctoral appt. at VA Tech


Contact Information
Appalachian State University
Department of Chemistry
525 Rivers Street
Boone, NC 28608
828-262-4558 (fax)