“A Picture of Many Words”


The purpose of this minilesson is to encourage students to learn to write descriptively, use their imagination, and let their creative juices flow. 


Sixth Grade Competency Goals

Goal 1  The learner will use language to express individual perspectives drawn from personal or             related experience.

1.02     Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, or viewed by:

Goal 6  The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage.


Materials Needed:





Time: 25 minutes total

5 minutes for students to examine their apples

20 minutes to write the paragraph



“Today you’re going to write descriptive paragraphs.  Please clear your desks of everything except paper and a pencil.  I’m going to pass out these apples to the first person in each row, please take only one apple and pass the basket to the person behind you.  Don’t eat the apples, when we finish with the apples you may have them for a snack, but not until I let you know that we’ve finished the assignment.  When you get your apple, take a good look at it, study it from every angle, smell it, run your hand over the surface.  After you have really studied your apple, I want you to list five words at the top of your paper that describes your apple.  Remember that every apple is different, so the words that your neighbor might use to describe their apple may not be appropriate in describing your apple.  I’m going to write the word ‘apple’ on the board.  After everyone has listed five words on their paper, raise your hand and when I call on you, tell me your words.  I will list them on the board and we’ll see how many different words you’ve come up with to describe an apple.”  After the descriptive word list on the blackboard is complete, I will instruct the students, “Now write a five or six sentence paragraph about your apple.  You may use any of the descriptive words on the board that apply to your apple.  I will deduct two points for each spelling and punctuation error, so make sure you read over your paragraph and check for errors.”   Allow the students 20 minutes to write their paragraphs.  “When you have finished your paragraph, please place it in the orange folder on my desk.  Make sure your name, the date, and your class period are in the top right corner of your paper.  After you have turned them in, you may eat your apple.  Be sure to put the core in the wastebasket.”