Did You Just Say What I Thought You Said?

Making Inferences



The purpose of this mini-lesson is to help students learn to make inferences.  Students will learn exactly what an inference is, and how to “read between the lines.”  They will even learn to create their own scenarios using inference.



Goal 1 – The learner will use language to express individual perspectives drawn from personal or related experience.

            1.03 Interact appropriately in group settings by:

·         Listening attentively

·         Contributing relevant comments connecting personal experiences to content.

Goal 2 – The learner will explore and analyze information from a variety of sources.

            2.01 Explore informational materials that are read, heard and/or viewed by:

·         Making connections to related topics/information

·         Drawing Inferences

Goal 4 – The learner will use critical thinking skills and create criteria to evaluate text and multimedia.

            4.01 Determine the purpose of the author or creator by:

·         Exploring any bias, apparent of hidden messages, emotional factors, or propaganda techniques.

·         Identifying and exploring the underlying assumptions of the author

4.02 Develop (with teacher assistance) and apply appropriate criteria to evaluate the quality of the communication by:

·         Drawing conclusions based on evidence, reasons, or relevant information.



Overhead projector

Transparency of inferences worksheet


Time Required: 20 minutes

Five minutes to introduce inferences

Five minutes to look at examples from inferences worksheet

Five minutes for students to write their own scenario

Five minutes to share work



“Today we are going to learn how to make inferences.  First of all, does anyone know what an inference is?”  (Wait for students to respond.)  Well, inferences are a little difficult to explain.  Has someone ever tried to tell you something without coming right out and saying it?  If so, you had to infer what he or she was telling you.  Has anyone heard the phrase “reading between the lines?”  (Wait for student responses.) “That’s what you do when you make an inference, you “read between the lines.”  Let me give you an example.  Tyler, ask me what is wrong.”  (Tyler says, “What’s wrong?”  “Nothing.”  (Say this with a mad look on your face!!)  “Now, is something wrong?”  (The class will say YES.)  “How could you tell?”  (They will give you several different responses:  tone of voice, body language…)  “Congratulations!  You just made an inference.  Did I come out and tell you something was wrong with me?”  (The class will say NO.)  “But you could just tell, couldn’t you?  Now we are going to make some more inferences.”  (Put transparency on the overhead.)   “Samantha, would you read #1?”  (Student reads the passage.)  “What can you infer about what the author is saying?”  (Students will answer.)  “Did the author come right out and tell you that?”  (The class will say NO.)  “No, you inferred it.”  (Repeat the process for each passage on the transparency.)  “Now that we have looked at a few examples, I want you to write your own scenario where the reader will have to infer what you are saying.  So, get out your paper and pencil.  Remember, don’t come right out and tell the reader what you are saying, let them infer it!”  (Give them five minutes to do this.)  “Is everyone finished?  Good.  Now let’s hear some examples and see if we can make inferences.  Who would like to read their passage?”  (Student reads passage.)  “Can some infer what Amy is trying to say?”  (Students respond.)  “Good.”  (Let other students read their passages.)