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ECO 3620. Environmental Economics

Fall 2004 | Calendar

Tuesday, Thursday 11:00-12:15, Raley Hall 3013

Instructor: John Whitehead
Raley Hall 3094
Office Hours: MTWTh 9:00-11, MW 2-3, other times by appointment and open door
Phone: 262-6121 (office), 262-2148 (department), 268-8991 (home)
Fax: 262-6105

Catalog Description

Examines the implications of economic theory and how it relates to the environment and environmental activity. The course examines the continuing conflict between market forces and environmental integrity and explains how economic theory views the relationship between economic activity and the natural world. Examples of local, regional, national, and international issues are presented and discussed.



There are three exams during the semester -- two in-class exams and a final exam administered during the final exam period. Each exam is worth 100 points. The final exam is cumulative. A university excused or emergency absence is usually necessary to schedule a make-up exam.

Mock Trial

The mock trial will proceed much like a real trial. The instructor will serve as judge.  Students will serve as attorneys and expert witnesses (i.e., forensic economists) for the plaintiff and defense. Attorneys will give opening and closing arguments. Attorneys will call expert witnesses, elicit testimony, and cross examine. Expert witnesses will give presentations of economic evidence and answer questions. There will be 1 attorney on each team. The other team members are forensic economists (i.e., expert witnesses). Each trial takes place during one class period. Students not involved in the trial serve as the jury.

In the research paper you will conduct an economic analysis in support of your side's case in the mock trial. Each student writes a paper describing their contributions (e.g., economists: basic research, attorneys: summary of entire team's research) to the overall effort. The mock trial project is worth 100 points. The research paper is worth 50 points. Oral presentations consist of opening and closing arguments, expert testimony, cross examination, rebuttal, etc. Your oral presentation (i.e., participation in the trial) is worth 50 points.

More details ...


The grades are based on the three exams (25% each) and the mock trial (25%). The maximum number of points is 400.

Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
Points 370 360 350 330 320 310 290 280 270 250 240 <240
% 92.5 90.00 87.5 82.5 80.00 77.5 72.5 70.00 67.5 62.5 60.00 <60.00

Final Grades

A A- B B- C+ C C-
2 2 11 2 3 2 3


It is the policy of Appalachian State University that class attendance is considered to be an important part of a student's educational experience. Students are expected to attend every meeting of their classes, and are responsible for class attendance. A university excused or emergency absence is usually necessary to schedule a make-up exam.

Classroom Behavior

The following classroom behaviors are not acceptable: excessive and/or loud chatting with other students, disruptive coming and going, use of cell phones, violence, and other annoying behaviors.

Academic Dishonesty

It is the responsibility of every student to abide by the Appalachian State University Academic Integrity Code.

Last Update: 12/16/2004