* * * *   T H E  P A R K  T E S T   * * * *
Equation Number 1    Dependent Variable..   LNESQ

NOTE: The dependent variable is the natural log of the 
squared residuals

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter      LNAGE

NOTE: The indepdent variable is the natural log of age 
(the variable that appears to be heteroskedastic)

R Square             .05292
Adjusted R Square    .05243
Standard Error      2.37106

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           1           613.13367        613.13367
Residual          1952         10973.96564          5.62191

F =     109.06148       Signif F =  .0000

------------------ Variables in the Equation ------------------

Variable              B        SE B       Beta         T  Sig T

LNAGE         -1.483884     .142090   -.230033   -10.443  .0000
(Constant)    17.451896     .534475               32.652  .0000

NOTE: The T-stat on LNAGE is "greater than 2" indicating that 
heteroskedasticity is present.