* * * * M U L T I P L E R E G R E S S I O N * * * * Equation Number 1 Dependent Variable.. EXPEND2 Vacation expenditures Variable(s) Entered on Step Number 1.. CHILDREN Number aged 18- in household 2.. COLLEGE College Degree=1, no degree=0 3.. GENDER male=1, female=0 4.. ADULTS Number aged 18+ in household 5.. INCOME Income (in thousands) 6.. AGE Age Variable B SE B T Sig T AGE -5.774816 1.720900 -3.356 .0008 INCOME 13.780095 1.242601 11.090 .0000 COLLEGE 202.793940 60.670169 3.343 .0008 ADULTS -37.032440 33.048995 -1.121 .2626 GENDER 205.630791 58.186130 3.534 .0004 CHILDREN 27.729770 25.558673 1.085 .2781 (Constant) 383.223339 123.044222 3.115 .0019 [NOTE: The T statistic is equal to B/SE B (i.e. for age: T = -5.77/1.72). The Sig T is the "significance level" of coefficient estimate. There is 28% chance that the true effect of CHILDREN on EXPEND2 is 0 and only a .0008% chance that the true effect of AGE on EXPEND is 0. The chance that the true effect of INCOME on EXPEND2 is 0 is approaching 0 (very small).]