The Campus Climate Support reporting tool is for NON-EMERGENCY incidents. If your immediate safety is at risk or if you are witnessing violence or perceive imminent harm to yourself or others, please call the App State Police Department at 828-262-8000 or dial 911. If you have already completed an incident report form with another office, you do not need to submit a separate Campus Climate Support form. If the incident report form you submitted with another office does not rise to the level of action for that office, it will be routed to our office for review and support.
The Campus Climate Support Program is a universitywide initiative designed to educate our campus community on bias and hate and facilitate the timely reporting and successful resolution of bias-related or hate incidents. By recognizing and reporting bias-related or hate incidents, we can cultivate a more inclusive campus culture where all members feel welcome, supported and accountable to one another.
How This Program Supports Faculty, Staff and Students
Through Campus Climate Support, App State supports individual faculty, staff and students by:
- referring individuals who report bias-related or hate incidents to appropriate campus offices and programs so they can effectively respond to the incidents in accordance with university core values, policies and principles of expression, and in accordance with local, state and federal laws (when applicable);
- fostering constructive dialogue about the complex intersection of — and healthy tension between — preserving free speech, encouraging diverse viewpoints and creating a welcoming and safe campus environment for every member of our App State Community; and
- cataloging reported incidents and analyzing them to identify trends and patterns that will help App State develop strategies for addressing bias and hate in our university community.
How You Can Report a Bias-Related or Hate Incident
The Campus Climate Support reporting tool is for NON-EMERGENCY bias-related or hate incidents, including, but not limited to:
- if a member of the App State Community makes a racial slur to another member;
- if a member of the App State Community makes a joke about someone being deaf, hard of hearing or blind; or
- if a member of the App State Community believes they are being treated unfairly because of their political beliefs.
Following are examples of types of incidents that should be reported to other offices using their reporting tools.
- If you believe the incident poses physical harm to another person, report to the App State Police Department at 828-262-8000.
- If you believe the incident constituted a violation of university policy, such as a Code of Conduct violation involving students, report to Student Conduct.
- If you believe the incident is based on your protected class and falls under the purview of discrimination, harassment or retaliation as defined by Policy 110, report to the Office of Access & Equity.
What Happens After a Report Is Submitted?
Anyone who submits a bias-related or hate incident report (a reporter) will automatically receive information regarding campus support resources.
For reporters who identify themselves, the Free Speech Responsible Officers will review the report and determine appropriate next steps, which could include:
- Send them additional resources tailored to the nature of the incident.
- Contact them to collaborate on developing and implementing an action plan that addresses the incident.
- Continue to provide them with resources and support throughout the review and resolution processes.
- Let them know when the action plan is completed, including any resolution that occurs with the person(s) alleged to have initiated the incident.
Partner Offices of Support and Response
The Free Speech Responsible Officers provide the Campus Climate Support Program in partnership with several other App State offices. We collaborate with these offices to ensure all reported incidents are reviewed and resolved by the appropriate office. These offices include:
- Office of Access and Equity
- Office of the Dean of Students:
- Office of Human Resources:
- App State Police Department
Campus Climate Support Resources
Through the Campus Climate Support Program, App State provides faculty, staff and students with numerous resources to help them navigate a full range of issues, from academic performance and workplace environment to counseling support and legal advice.