Part 1 of the Capstone Project

You've prevously tested out the template1.tex in LaTeX, selected a preliminary topic for the capstone project and completed some preliminary research. Part 1 of the capstone project makes use of all of these. It isn't too late to change your topic if you want, but be sure to do that in ASULearn for the capstone and in the differential geometry class too.

Continue by modifying template1.tex in OverLeaf or other LaTeX software as follows:
  1. Your topic
  2. Your name
  3. A brief summary of prior experience with your topic or related material
  4. Report back on one interesting item related to prior progress in the area of your course project (it could be someone who laid groundwork on the topic, or peripheral but connected research or history). Include the date and the name of the person and their contribution.
  5. Search MathSciNet or other Library Databases for recent scholarly journal articles related to your course project topic and write down one item that you find, including the date and the journal, as well as the title.
    What is MathSciNet? Historically, mathematicians communicated by letters, during visits, or by reading each other's published articles or books once such means became available. For example, Marin Mersenne had approximately 200 correspondents. Some mathematical concepts were developed in parallel by mathematicians working in different areas of the world who were not aware of each other's progress. In an effort to increase the accessibility of mathematics research articles, reviews began appearing in print journals like Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, which originated in 1931, and Mathematical Reviews, which originated in 1940. Since the 1980s, electronic versions of these reviews have allowed researchers to search for publications. MathSciNet, the electronic version of Mathematical Reviews, is "the authoritative gateway to the literature of Mathematics" and currently contains over 4 million items.
  6. Replace the generic e-mail address with your e-mail address.
  7. Make sure that any text that compiles into the PDF has been updated with your information.
  • Continue searching for other library and scholarly sources for the project.