Psychology 3214

Study Guide for Test 1

1. Know the history of the concept of the reflex: Descartes/Hall vs. Pavlov/Skinner.  What is the definition of a reflex for each pair? Be prepared to apply the distinctions to concrete cases.

2. What is the hallmark of a classical conditioning situation? 

3.  Be able to read/describe an event diagram, identify and/or label the events in a conditioning trial both before and after conditioning has taken place.  

4. Be able to read and label event diagrams of the different acquisition procedures (delay, trace, simultaneous, temporal, backwards).

5. Be able to identify and compare the effectiveness of the acquisition procedures in producing a strong CS.

6. Be able to read a description of a conditioning situation, translate it into an event diagram, identify the procedure, label the events, and predict  conditioning effects.

7. Be able to identify an extinction procedure and understand Pavlov's interpretation of extinction and the meaning of the "spontaneous recovery" effect. What is the difference between Extinction as a procedure, an effect, and a process?  Can you erase prior conditioning?

8.  According to Pavlov, how should we think about the effects of Spontaneous Recovery, Rapid Reaquisition, and Renewal?  How are they explained?

9.  Consider the case of the Latent Inhibition effect.  How is the effect produced? What is Pavlov's explanation?  Can a non-event be a UCS? 

10.  How would Mark Bouton explain the Spontaneous Recovery effect?

11.  Be able to apply all of the above information to concrete cases like as used in the Application Assignment #1.

12.  What is a CS+ and a CS-, according to Pavlov?  Can a CS+ produce pain?