Premack VS Timberlake and Allison's
Response Deprivation Theory

It is all about the baseline!

1. Pretend to be Premack and follow a person (or nonhuman) around to construct a baseline of four activities. How do you record activities? What is important about interpreting the baseline? Pick an activity that you want to reinforce. Explain how Premack would do so. Pick an activity that you want to punish. Explain how Premack would do so.
2. Pretend to be Timberlake and Allison and follow a person (or nonhuman) around to construct a baseline of the same four activities. How do you record activities? What is important about interpreting the baseline? Pick an activity that you want to reinforce. Explain how Response Deprivation would do so. Pick an activity you want to punish. Explain how RD/Disequilibrium theory would do so.
3. Compare and contrast the two approaches. What is the practical or theoretical difference for you in the two approaches?