Inquiry Science Lesson Reflection

For this assignment, you will teach one inquiry science lesson in an elementary class and have a classmate videotape it. Afterwards you will watch the video to assess what you did during the lesson as well as what changes you would make in future lessons. There are some guidelines that I would like for you to follow as you complete this assignment.

When we ask students to inquire into a science concept, we expect them to use evidence from their experiences to draw conclusions. When we inquire into our teaching, we will do the same. As you watch your video, you will look for examples of places where you included important components of inquiry teaching into your lesson. You can use the table below to record your notes. You can print off a copy of the chart and handwrite your notes or you can work from a word document and type your notes. You will need to include a copy of your notes in the final material that you submit to me for evaluation.
After you have completed your analysis of the video, use the evidence that you have collected to write a 1000-1500 word reflection that addresses the following questions:

Lesson Components
Specific Examples from the Video WITH TIMES ON THE TAPE

Developmentally appropriate hands-on inquiry activity, language use, and science content







Lesson encouraged participation of ALL students.








Classroom environment and management strategies facilitated students’ engagement with and understanding of the science content addressed.






Engagement portion of the lesson engages students with scientifically oriented questions







Exploration provided opportunities for students to engage in inquiry through active, hands-on exploration







Lesson enabled students to formulate explanations from evidence/data collected. Questions throughout the lesson facilitated development of student understanding. Students were provided with the opportunity to communicate and justify their discoveries and explanations.





If an expansion was included in this lesson, it continued to expand student understanding by applying learning to a new but related exploration






A variety of formative assessments are incorporated throughout the lesson. There is an appropriate summative assessment at the end.






Click here for the rubric by which this will be assessed.