Italian Holocaust Survivors Remember

Guido Lopez and Gigliola Colombo

Survivors and Stories


Guido Lopez and Gigliola Colombo, © 2010 Jeff Goodman


Guido Lopez was the son of the famous playwright and author, Sandrino Lopez. As a result, he grew up in an environment filled with many literary figures, such as Luigi Pirandello.  As the situation worsened in Italy, Guido remembered how fiercely his father resisted.  They both made it to Switzerland, and after the war, Guido was active in the publishing world in Switzerland, as well as in Italy.

Gigliola Colombo escaped with her family to the United States, where she completed her formal education. Some of her relatives were given refuge in the Vatican; others sought refuge in countries around the world.  For her, the establishment of the state of Israel was an emotional experience, which even today leaves her speechless.

Click here for interview excerpts: Guido Lopez

Quicktime Video

Click here for interview excerpts: Gigliola Lopez

Quicktime Video