F. Douglas Roberts, CPA

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The case of the irrational fear...

There's a verse in the Bible that can help in many situations. Philippians 4:13 (NIV) states "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Okay, so what I did isn't really something that meaningful on one level, but in a sense, it was an accomplishment of conquering an irrational fear (irrational for me). Friday, April 20, 2001, I conquered yet another fear I've had for well over 20 years - riding a roller coaster. The location was Dollywood, the coaster was none other than the Tennessee Tornado herself. A beastly twisting, turning, loop-de-looping of an abomination. A feat I'd never have attempted other than to prove my fear was irrational. After a 25 minute wait and several thoughts of turning back, I boarded the behemoth. One minute and 48 seconds later (and several eyeball socket ripping, pants wetting, throat pulling maneuvers) I had survived. I was not to be a victim of the tumultuous lady today, my friend - I had conquered the beast (my fear). Below are a couple of pictures my mother-in-law picked up (quality is not so good) which if you look closely you'll see me in the front car riding alongside my father-in-law. I'm the one with the death grip in the handles, he's the one who looks like he's having a heart attack (clutching his heart).

Visit Dollywood's website.

Of course, I've now also ridden the two newer roller coasters at Dollywood. I have not, however, ridden the swings or the teacups. Go figure.

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Last revised: May 22, 2007. [6024]