Zerbe and Bellas, Chapter 7
Shadow (non-market) Values
Travel Cost Method
- Zonal TCM [example.xls]
- Individual TCM
a. single-site
b. multi-site
- Problems
a. opportunity cost of time
b. multi-purpose / overnight trips
Hedonic Price Method
- Housing Market
- Labor Market
- Problems
a. sample selection
b. multi-market methods
c. TCM and Hedonic markets
Averting Behavior
- Defensive expenditures
Value of Statistical Lives
The Word - Priceless
VSL = WTP/change in risk
Examples: DOT,
Blomquist (2003)
Stated Preferences
- Types
a. Contingent valuation
b. Contingent behavior
- Types of Values
a. TV = UV + NUV
b. VSL
- Issues
a. hypothetical bias => certainty questions, information about substitutes
and income reminder
b. lack of experience => ask a behavioral question (e.g., referendum
question, or CB)
c. elicitation question (OE, CE) => referendum question
d. embedding => scope test
e. strategic bias => referendum question
f. information bias =>
- Additional Reading
a. A practitioner's primer on the CVM [pdf]
b. CVM and BCA [pdf]
Benefit Transfer
- Benefit estimate transfer [example]
- Benefit function transfer
- Meta-analysis transfer [pdf]
- Additional Reading: Dumas, Schuhmann and
Whitehead [AFS