Michael Kernodle ~ Post Tenure Review


Teaching has always been a passion for me, whether dealing with athletes as a coach or students as a professor.  There is nothing quite as satisfying as having a positive effect on the lives of your students and experiencing with them the satisfaction of advancing cognitively or learning a new motor skill, and in the process, becoming more adept in their chosen field.  Along these lines, I feel that it is inherent upon any teacher to challenge and guide their students towards an appreciation of learning and provide them the means to learn how to learn.  In order to accommodate the diverse learning styles encountered in the classroom, a teacher must be able to offer a number of diverse learning experiences.  In my classes the students are taught using power point displays (which include visual aids such as imported videos and images), live demonstration, group activities such as an academic scavenger hunt, peer group discussions, peer teaching, written assignments and teaching young children.  We have review sessions that incorporate verbal and written quizzes as well as creative activities such as utilizing game show paradigms and team contests.  Although my courses are always rated as quite difficult, the feedback from the students via the evaluation process is positive. I am constantly looking for new, challenging and creative ways to enhance the classroom experience. 
    There is definitely a symbiotic relationship between scholarly activity and teaching.  Continued involvement in reading, research and writing provides the means to remain conversant with the most current and relevant information in a chosen field.  This, in turn, allows the transferal of this information to students in the classroom. 
    Service is an integral part of being a member of the teaching community.  It offers the opportunity to interact with members of your academic community and others on a regional and/or national basis, resulting in a positive exchange of ideas and information.  As with research, this involvement will result in a better understanding of  current and pertinent information both on and off campus.