The Semester of Who Knows What Will Happen
Psychology 5300 - Fall 2021
Course Sequence

Class Goals

Class Requirements


Concept(s) of the Reflex

A cat feeling harassed?

A horse doing math?

A parrot that understands language?

Talk therapy for your pet?

(a typical session)

Koko's Strange Request


Descartes Philosophy

A walk through the gardens

The mixed nature of humankind

Mind and body

Pineal gland in action

The legacy of Descarte's mind-body dualism


Marshall Hall Voluntary vs. Involuntary Distinction

Marshall Hall Brief Bio 1

Marshall Hall Brief Bio 2


Pavlov (1927) Lecture I

Skinner (1931)


Reflex Definition Summary

Assignment 1: Descartes/Hall vs. Pavlov/Skinner


More on Alex

A Current Animal Cognition Controversy

Alex talks on PBS

RIP Alex!

RIP Koko!

A Skeptical Analysis of Nonhuman Language Acquisition

Another Skeptical Analysis focusing on Koko

Nim Chimpsky - Project Nim - Draft of Terrace Commentary


Ivan Sechenov

Sechenov (1861) Thesis


Pavlov's Discovery

and the Basic Acquisition Effects


Pavlov in surgery

Pavlov is awarded Nobel Prize

Pavlov's Lab

Dog in apparatus (Yerkes & Morgulis, 1909)

Technician operates apparatus


Kymograph record


Acquisition procedures and effects: Diagrams, Diagrams, Diagrams

The Basic Effect

Basic Procedures (Variation 1)

Basic Procedures (Variation 2)

Delay vs Trace (Variation 1)

Delay vs Trace (Variation 2) 

Assignment 2: Label Acquisition Procedure Exercise

Assignment 3: Spot Acquisition Procedures in Daily Life


Alexis St. Martin -&- William Beaumont

RadioLab podcast on Beaumont and St. Martin

William Beaumont Army Medical Center (El Paso, TX)


Conditioned Reflexes (1927)

Pictures of Pavlov's Dogs

Pavlov Institute of Physiology


Sechenov (1861) Thesis

Ivan Sechenov (1863) Reflexes of the Brain

Brief Biography of Sechenov


Bad CC Diagram

Discussion of Assignments

Classical Conditioning I: Extinction

Do we need a concept of inhibition?

Pavlov (1927) Table of Contents

Falls (1998)

Bouton (2002)


Conditioning Chamber

Spontaneous Recovery

Figure 3 (Rescorla, 2004)


Cue Exposure Therapy:  What is the issue?

Conklin & Tiffany (2002)

Martin et al. (2010)

Mellentin et al. (2017)


Assignment 4: Problem of Relapse 

Discussion of Assignment

Classical Conditioning II: Predicting the CS

Contiguity (Pavlov) vs. Contingency (Rescorla)



Analysis of the effect


Contingency Analysis

Figure 1 from Rescorla (1988)

Figure 2 from Rescorla (1988)


Rescorla (1988)

Rescorla (1968)

Rescorla (1969)

Kamin (1969)

Picture of Rescorla


John Hughlings Jackson

the sensory/motor Homunculus


Classical Conditioning III: Predicting the UCS

Pavlov - Biological Potency

Kamin Blocking Effect -- Summary


Rescorla (1988)

Kamin (1969)

Assignment 5: Role of a Stimulus in CC? 

Discussion of Assignment

Classical Conditioning IV: Predicting the Response

Opponent Process Model

Richard Solomon

Solomon, Kamin & Wynne Apparatus 

Hedonic Shift with Experience #1 #2 #3

General Pattern of Reaction

Early Pattern in Opponent Process Model

(HR to Shock - Early)

Later Pattern in Opponent Process Model

(HR to Shock - Late)

Overall Pattern

Solomon (1980)


Siegel Conditioning Analysis -

Tolerance, Craving, and Withdrawal

Siegel et al. (1982) - Title - Results 

Siegel & Ellsworth (1986)

Siegel (1988)

Siegel & Ramos (2002)


Other "opponent process" examples

Rebound headaches

Nasal Spray addiction

Heartburn drugs can cause heartburn


Assignment: Diet Coke I

Addicted to Coke

Assignment 6: Addicted to Coke 


Pavlov - What is the CR?

Analysis of the effect

Karl Zener

Zener Cards

Discussion of Diet Coke I

Diet Coke II


Digestive System



Why eating is dangerous

Woods (1991)

Woods & Ramsey (2000)


The conditioning issue

Swithers (2015)

Davidson et al. (2014)

Swithers & Davidson (2008)

Swithers & Davidson - Figure 1

Swithers & Davidson - Figure 3

Swithers & Davidson - Figure 4

Swithers & Davidson - Figure 6

Swithers & Davidson - Figure 7


A similar issue

Siegel (2011) Four-Loko Effect

Glass of Four Loko


Assignment: Diet Coke II


Discussion of Diet Coke II


Evaluative Conditioning - Is it a new kind of Conditioning?

Staats & Staats (1957)

Staats & Staats (1958)

Page (1969)

Zanna, Kiesler, & Pilkonis (1970)

Levey & Martin (1975)

Baeyens et al. (1988)

Davey (1994)

Baeyens & De Houwer (1995)  

Walther, Weil, & Langer (2011)

Jones, Olson, & Fazio (2010)

Assignment: Evaluative Conditioning

* *
Discussion of Evaluative Conditioning


Q & A

[   Study Guide   ]

Test 1 (due Thursday, 10/7, 6 PM)

Thorndike codifies the Law of Effect

Charles Darwin - Voyage of the Beagle

Continuity Among Species - Finches

Comparative Psychology - George Romanes - Problem of Anecdotes

Edward Lee Thorndike tests the mental continuity argument

William James House (95 Irving St)

Thorndike's Puzzle Boxes

Puzzle Box B1

Thorndike (1911)

Thorndike Example Learning Curves 

Thorndike Learning Curve - Example 2 


Thorndike (1898) Intro to "Animal Intelligence"


Thorndike's History

Chance (1999)

Hearst (1999)


Parallels between Evolution and Behavior Change

Parallels between Darwin's Theory and Thorndike's Law of Effect

Selection by Consequences - Skinner (1981)

The Introduction of Shaping - Skinner (1951)

Historical Description of Discovery of Shaping:

Peterson (2001) - Peterson (2004)


Hal Herzog (1993) - Moral issues associated with accepting Darwin's "Continuity" argument


The New Connectionism

Neural Network

Neural Network with Back Propagation


Examples of Quick Evolutionary Changes:

Italian Wall Lizard

Galapagos Finch

Brown Anole Lizard 


William James - 1865


J. B. Watson and E. R. Guthrie against the Law of Effect

C. L. Hull for the Law of Effect

Watson (1924)

Watson's Explanation of Learning Curve

Guthrie (1952)

Guthrie's Cat B

Guthrie's Cat G

Guthrie's Learning Principle

Clark Hull Need - Drive Hypothesis

Hull (1943) Example Postulates

Hull (1943) System

Hull 1949 - Summary of System


Hull (1930)

Hull (1931)

Hull (1937)

Hull (1931) Figure 5

Clark Hull Biography


History of Rat Mazes


Issue of Awareness

Brian Wansink - Mindless Eating

Wansink et al. (2005) - Bottomless Soup Bowl

Wenger & Wheatley (1999) - Do Thoughts Cause Behavior?

Verplanck (1962) - Unaware of Where's Awareness


Modern Version of Guthrie

BJ Fogg "Tiny Habits"

Video Here


Problems for the Need-Drive Hypothesis

Harlow (1958) article

Harry Harlow

Harlow's Basic Procedure

Harlow's Results:

Figure 5

Figure 6

After Hull

General Problem for Hull


The Prediction Issue: Postman (1947) History of the Law of Effect


The Prediction Issue: Two classic solutions

Trans-situational Law of Effect

Paul Meehl - Meehl (1950)


Empirical Law of Effect

B. F. Skinner - Skinner (1953)


Assignment: Skinner vs. Hull on Theories

Skinner (1950) - Are Theories of Learning Necessary?

Importance of the Value of Hypothesis Testing and Theory - Hull (1935)


Biography of Skinner by Howard Rachlin

Schoenfeld (1978/1995) - The tangled history of the term "Reinforcement"


History of the Maze in Research

Another History of the Maze


Meehl (1973) - Why I do not attend Case Conferences


Practice with Skinner's Empirical Law of Effect

Label the effect #1

Label the effect #2

Label the effect #3

Label the effect #4

Label the effect #5

Label the effect #6

Label the effect #7

Label the effect #8

Label the effect #9

Label the effect #10


Summary of Empirical Law of Effect method


Assignment: Empirical Law of Effect Cases 


Food as a punisher

Example Token Economy in a School

Keep your eye on the contingency - Kerr 1975/1995

Keep your eye on the contingency - Ayllon & Michael (1959)

Keep your eye on the contingency - Homer's Problem

Discussion of Assignment

B. F. Skinner - Younger Days 

Reinforcement Schedules

Operant Chamber

Operation of a Cumulative Recorder

Actual Cumulative Recorder

Bank of Cumulative Recorders

The 4 classic Reinforcement Schedules 

Pattern of Responding on the 4 Schedules


Development of Skinner's Method

Skinner (1956) Figure 4

Skinner (1956) Figure 5

Skinner (1956) Figure 8

Skinner (1956) Figure 9

Skinner (1956) Figure 10

Skinner (1956) Figure 12

A Case History in Scientific Method - Skinner (1956)


Shaping Behavior

Girl Playing Violin

Skinner's Minnesota Lab

Skinner in his Minnesota Lab

Pigeons Playing Ping Pong

The Introduction of Shaping - Skinner (1951)

History of the Development of Shaping - Peterson (2004)


Fish Hunter Gambling Games

Game Table Here

Game Demo Here

Another Demo Here

How to Play Here

Article on Fish Hunter Games Here

Article on Hooked Player Here


Nir Eyal - Why is Technology so Habit-forming?

Video Here

Verbal Description Here

Summary of "Hooked" Here


Skinner (1960) Pigeons in a Pelican

Nose Cone Outside

Nose Cone Inside


Causing trouble at Harrah's

Reinforcement "Value"

Pigeon in Operant Chamber

Skinner's Minnesota Lab

Palmetto Pigeon Plant

Multiple Schedules - Behavioral Contrast
Reynolds (1961)

Concurrent Schedules - Matching
Herrnstein (1961)

Herrnstein's Results



Back to the Prediction Issue: Premack's solution

Premack's Run-Drink apparatus

Premack Approach to Law of Effect Situation

The Premack Principle 


Timberlake & Farmer-Dougan (1991)

Premack: Essay on Reward and Punishment vs Freedom

Premack continued

Premack Principles of Reinforcement and Punishment


Premack heads off to study human-like language acquisition in apes

The Mind of an Ape (1983)

Great Chain of Being 


The Prediction Issue: Timberlake & Allison's solution

Response Deprivation Theory

Response Deprivation Theory Example

Timberlake Disequilibrium Approach

Assignment: Premack vs Response Deprivation 


Timberlake & Farmer-Dougan (1991)

Konarski et al. (1980)

Eisenberger, Karpmann, & Trattner (1967)  

Discussion of Assignment

Punishment: How does it work?

Thorndike's (1911) Original Answer

Guthrie (1935) - Competing Response hypothesis

A Single Factor Answer - Estes & Skinner (1941)

A Two Factor Answer - Solomon (1964)

Dunham (1971) - Problem with Two Factor answers


Church (1963) Review of classical literature


Assignment: Design a Punisher that Works



Operant-Pavlovian Interactions I

Traumatic Avoidance Learning

Richard Solomon

Solomon & Wynne (1953) - Produce the Effect

Solomon & Wynne Apparatus

General Pattern of Results

Typical Individual Acquisition Curves 1 and 2

Probability of Getting Shocked after 1st Avoidance Response Figure

Avoidance Latencies after Last Shock Figure

Problems with Standard Two Factor Explanation


Solomon, Kamin, & Wynne (1953) - Extinguish the Effect

200 Trials of Ordinary Extinction

Pattern of Responding Within Session

Results for Varied Extinction Procedures

Modified Two Factor Explanation


Interactions in the Operant Chamber

Skinner (1948) Superstitution Experiment - Noncontingent Reinforcement

Brown & Jenkins (1968) - Autoshaping - Results

Autoshaping Effect Example

Long Box Autoshaping Effect Example

Williams & Williams (1969) - Negative automaintenance - Experiment 1 Results

Negative Automaintenance Example


Operant-Pavlovian Interactions II

Learned Helplessness

Seligman & Maier (1967)

Table 1

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


Hiroto (1974)

Hiroto & Seligman (1975)


M. E. P. Seligman

Seligman in the 70s


Maier & Seligman (2016)

Assignment: Operant-Pavlovian Interactions

Discussion of Assignment

Summary / Q & A

Study Guide - Test 2

Yes, it's The Final Countdown of the semester

Test Released - (by) 5:00 PM


The Altoid Prank: Classical or Operant Conditioning? [ # ] [##]



Test 2 - due 12/7 - Tuesday - 9 AM